Friday, April 13, 2012

Pistachios Baklava (Fistikli Baklava )

When I was in Turkey a few months ago I’ve adored the food of Turkey, being addicted to baklava. I have mentioned to our local tour guide in Turkey that I wanted to try making baklava. So I asked specific how its made of and much easier to make than what I though! Baklava is very popular in Middle Eastern countries its supposed origins are Turkish. Generally, baklava is enjoyed as a mid-morning or afternoon sweet snack with a cup of Turkish coffee or tea. This baklava is made by brushing melted margarine or butter on the layers of phyllo pastry, filled with ground nuts and sweetened with honey syrup, cooked up flakier and crisper. This flaky nutty dessert is delicious and very very sweet you practically get a tooth cavity and diabetes just by looking at it. My version of baklava is lemony and less in sugar because the sweetness of syrup can kill! So this is how it looks after it has completely absorbed the syrup. The recipe has been adapted from Turkish cookery.
Note: Covered and store leftover baklava at room temperature for up to a week.
20-22 sheets phyllo pastry (yufka)
4 cups green pistachios
1 tsp ground all spice
1½ cup honey
½  cup granulated sugar
1 cup melted and unsalted butter or margarine
2 cups of water
half of lemon juice
1. Preheat oven to 180°C/350°F. In a food processor or grinder place the nuts, process until the pistachios are finely ground and keep aside.
2. Meanwhile place 3½ cups of ground pistachios into the mixing bowl and stir with allspice until well combined. Set aside the remaining pistachios to sprinkle over the baklavas.
3. Brush the 13x9 inch baking dish with melted butter. Place 10 phyllo pastry in the bottom of your buttered dish, brushing each one with butter. Spread ground pistachios generously over the entire surface. Place the remaining phyllo and brush with butter each one . Tuck the edges of the phyllo, dip a sharp knife in hot water and cut through the bottom into 4-5cm square or triangles pieces.
4. Bake them over 30-40 minutes until they are golden brown and flaky.
5. Prepare the syrup: place the water, sugar and honey in a sauce pan. Boil on medium heat and sprinkle some salt to bring out the flavor. Add the lemon juice and simmer for 15 minutes, stirring constantly. Take the pan out of the oven to cool.
6. If you find that the top is turning brown too quickly, then cover the top with foil or parchment baking paper. Remove the baklava from the oven, let cool for 10 minutes.
7. Lightly brush the top of baked baklava with butter.
8. Spoon and gently pour the sauce into the baklava.
9. Garnish the remaining ground pistachios on top of each  piece baklava, if desired and serve.